Chlorine (Free) and (Free & Total) Test Kits
Chlorine (Free) and (Free & Total) Test Kits
Kits comes in a cardboard box and contains everything needed to perform 30 tests: thirty ampoules, 25 mL sample cup, ampoule blank, and instructions.
Because of its strong oxidizing properties, chlorine is an excellent biocide used to treat potable waters, municipal wastes, and swimming pools. When used to treat potable water, chlorine helps alleviate the adverse effects of iron, manganese, ammonia, and sulfide. The Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level for chlorine is 4 mg/L in drinking water.
The DPD Method
References: USEPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, Method 330.5 (1983). APHA Standard Methods, 23rd ed., Method 4500-Cl G- 2000.In the USEPA-accepted DPD methodology, free chlorine reacts with DPD to form a pink product. When ammonia or amines are present, some of the chlorine may exist as combined chlorine. Combined chlorine will not interfere with the free chlorine results, provided the readings are taken at one minute. To determine total chlorine (the sum of free and combined), use the A-2500 Activator Solution (potassium iodide) supplied in the kit. Results are expressed as ppm (mg/L) Cl2.The DPD method is also applicable to the direct determination of hypochlorite concentrations in various cleaning preparations and disinfectants prior to their dilution. DPD reacts with hypochlorite ions to form a pink color. Results are expressed as percent (%) NaOCl.
DPD (Free) Chlorine
Part# K2523
USEPA Accepted for drinking and wastewater using CHEMetrics instrumental DPD Vacu-vials products.
Range: 0-5.00 ppm
1 Minute Analysis Time
DPD (Free & Total) Chlorine
Part# K-2513
USEPA Accepted for drinking and wastewater using CHEMetrics instrumental DPD Vacu-vials products.
Range: 0-5.00 ppm
1 Minute Analysis Time