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Solinst Model 3001 Direct Read PC Interface Cable Mk3 (RS232/460ft-140 limit) For The Levelogger Part# 106985

Solinst Model 3001 Direct Read PC Interface Cable Mk3 (RS232/460ft-140 limit) For The Levelogger Part# 106985

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Solinst Model 3001Direct Read PC  Interface Cable Mk3(RS232/460ft-140 limit) For the Levelogger Part# 106985 

Choose Direct Read deployment if you wish to connect and communicate with your Levelogger in the field, without removing it from the well. Choose wireline or Kevlar cord to minimize costs, and if you do not require communication while the Levelogger is recording down-well.

Leveloggers use high-speed optical communication. To begin using your Solinst Levelogger, a USB Desktop Reader 5 or Field Reader 5 connects it to a laptop or desktop PC for programming with Levelogger Software.