Hydrogen Sulfide, 0.1 - 50 ppm (8610050)
Hydrogen Sulfide, 0.1 - 50 ppm Part # 8610050
Measuring Range:
0.1 to 50 ppm
Typical Measuring Time:
5 to 960 s
± 25 % (under calibration conditions)
Ambient Conditions:
0 to 40 °C
Temperature correction:
1 to 40 mg/L
Humidity correction:
Cross Sensitivity:
No influence at 1 ppm hydrogen suphide by:
1 ppm sulfur dioxide
20 ppm nitrogen dioxide
100 ppm mercaptane
Hose and probe measurement
The following flushing time recommendations for hose and probe measurements are marked with a brand-new, dry and clean hose and probes.
Hose Length (meter) Flashing time (min)
FKM Hose 5-20 3
FKM hose 45 5
PTFE-lined PVC hose 3-15 3
Bar probe 90 (83 16 532) 1
Telescopic probe ES 150 (83 16 533) 1
Probe Set GP600 (83 28 667) 3